Trying a Vegan Diet

Trying a Vegan Diet
Photo by Canva

According to restaurant consultant group Baum + Whiteman, “plant-based” food will be THE food trend next year in 2018. Some believe that this is the biggest food hype since organic food has become so popular.

Last year, one of my good friends decided to follow a plant based diet and he really enjoyed his lifestyle change. I have tried his vegan curry served with brown rice and it was truly delicious! All was well and very stress-free until he told his Mom about his new diet. His poor Mom spent the next few weeks stressing about what to buy and cook for him for Christmas. Of course, all was well and merry over the Christmas period and it wasn’t as challenging as his Mom thought it would be. It was not as stressful as she thought it would be.

The plant-based diet is becoming more and more popular for sure, especially within the yoga community. A couple of yoga teachers I see regularly have told me how their energy levels have increased after a few weeks into this change.

I have also read that some people with chronic back pain have recovered since following a plant-based diet. For those of you that know, my back hasn’t been completely brilliant over the past few years. Despite the amazing health benefits of a plant-based diet, I have been on the fence for a few months and can’t seem to quite make the leap to go and try it.

For one, I tend not to be someone that plans my food very far in advance so I buy quick, easy and healthy things to cook such as fish, tofu, eggs and vegetables.

When I eat out with my friends, I don’t really want to appear difficult by telling them that I have gone fully plant-based. One of my school friends in Hong Kong no longer seems to get invited out by other school friends anymore because they find the food choices limiting. Although the trend is growing to accommodate more plant-based dishes at restaurants, it appears that the restaurants which have already been established are more focused on having vegetarian options, dishes which are free from gluten, nuts, etc.

Despite all of this, I have decided to try going vegan in January 2018 and follow the Veganuary movement to see what it’s like. Ever since I made the decision, I have been really looking forward to it and really can’t wait… so I have decided to start this Sunday on Christmas Eve! I have done some research on maintaining a balanced diet whilst I go fully plant-based. I have been trying to use up most of my non-vegan food at home so that I can start on Christmas Eve. If you are interested, you can follow me via Instagram stories on my timeline where I will post some food everyday.

Have you ever tried a plant-based diet?  If you have, I would love to hear your hints and tips!

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