Meet the Founder

KittyWho is behind Bodhi Me?  

I ran out of breath quickly, sweated a lot, felt ghastly and what was worse was how I felt in the baggy, clumsy clothes I wore to exercise.

My name is Kitty and after spending most of my life unmotivated to exercise, overweight and eating to feel better I started spending hundreds of pounds on designer branded sportswear to go to the gym. I always picked black clothes because I thought I would look slimmer but they never made me feel better about myself.

The result? I still felt dreadful!  I felt that they clung onto my skin and I really didn’t like the feel of them. Some of them shrunk after a few washes and it annoyed me how I spent so much money on expensive clothes which I could only wear a few times.

One day, I decided to join a weight loss program and through changing my mindset on food, I changed my palate and lost 30lbs (13.6kgs) in a few months.  I did not instantly feel more confident about myself and I still wore a lot of black and grey, which didn’t make me feel better about myself.

I only found Bikram yoga after my weight loss and that helped me tone up my muscles which was much needed.  It took three years of practising hot yoga for me to explore alternatives from the dark colours readily available on the high street.  I decided to try wearing lighter colours and patterns and to my surprise, I did not break down in tears. I felt good for the first time in my life wearing sportswear!  Why was it so hard to find clothes that fit well that didn’t make me look and feel horrible?

Yes – body confidence comes from within and it isn’t about the clothes, the hair or the make-up.

I want women of all shapes and sizes to be able to find comfortable clothes to go to the gym, yoga, Pilates or even grabbing a smoothie with friends without having that horrible feeling which stops them from living an active and healthy life.

This is how Bodhi Me came to life!  Founded in London, UK in October 2015, Bodhi Me which means ‘awaken me’ or ‘enlighten me’ has kept me busy and I love helping women feel good every single day.

We’ve been growing ever since and we have great plans for this brand.

Bodhi Me clothes are specifically designed women who want to look and feel great wearing activewear.  They are not too revealing, colourful, fun, wash and dry well and not as expensive as some of the high street shops. See for yourself – 

It has been scientifically proven that wearing colours and patterns make a huge difference to how you feel and it certainly helps lift my mood.  With the right colours and patterns, they can be more flattering sometimes than plain black, blue or grey.

I believe women of all sizes can both look great and feel great.

Let’s embrace colour and patterns.  Try it out for yourself!

Kitty Eagle PoseKitty Preparing Standing Bow Pulling Pose

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